
In the following, all variables used in AnyMOD are listed. Information includes the name used throughout the model, the variables' unit, and its dimensions according to the symbols introduced in Sets and Mappings. Also, it is specified what determines the instances a variable is actually created for, in which constraints a variable appears, and the model part it is assigned to.

To increase performance, AnyMOD stores variables within DataFrames instead of using JuMPs native containers. Each variable dimension is represented by a column and integers in these columns relate to nodes within the hierarchical trees of sets (see printObject on how to export these in a readable format). An additional var column stores the corresponding variables. These variables are not JuMP variable objects, but JuMP expressions, that already include scaling factors.

All variables are defined positive. New variables beyond those listed here can freely be added to a model by using standard JuMP commands.

Dispatch of technologies

Generation and use

Quantities generated and used by technology.

To reduce model size variables are not created, if the availability is zero. Also, mode dependant variables are only created where required. For example, for a technology with mode specific generation ratios, different variables for each mode are only created for gen, but not for use.

name gen use
unit GWh
dimension $Ts_{exp}$, $Ts_{dis}$, $R_{dis}$, $C$, $Te$, ($M$)
  • dispatch resolution of carrier
  • expansion time-steps of technology
  • relevant modes of technology
  • respective availability exceeds zero
related constraints
part technology

Charging and discharging

Externally and internally charged and discharged quantities (see Technologies for explanation).

To reduce model size variables are not created, if the availability is zero. Also, mode dependant variables are only created where required.

name stExt{In/Out} stInt{In/Out}
unit GWh
dimension $Ts_{exp}$, $Ts_{dis}$, $R_{dis}$, $C$, $Te$, ($M$)
  • dispatch resolution of carrier
  • expansion time-steps of technology
  • relevant modes of technology
  • respective availability exceeds zero
related constraints
part technology

Storage level

Quantity stored by storage system.

To reduce model size variables are not created, if the availability is zero. Also, mode dependant variables are only created where required.

name stLvl
unit GWh
dimension $Ts_{exp}$, $Ts_{dis}$, $R_{dis}$, $C$, $Te$, ($M$)
  • dispatch resolution of carrier
  • expansion time-steps of technology
  • relevant modes of technology
  • availability exceeds zero
related constraints
part technology

Non-technology dispatch

Exchange quantities

Quantity exchanged from one region to the other. The variable is directed meaning it only denotes exchange into one direction.

Variables are only created between regions that can actually exchange energy, which depends on the definition of residual capacity.

name exc
unit GWh
dimension $Ts_{dis}$, $R_{from}$, $R_{to}$, $C$
related constraints
part exchange

Buy and sell

Quantities bought or sold on an external market.

name trdBuy trdSell
unit GWh
dimension $Ts_{dis}$, $R_{dis}$, $C$
related constraints
part trade

Curtailment and loss-of-load

Curtailed quantities and unmet demand.

name lss crt
unit GWh
dimension $Ts_{dis}$, $R_{dis}$, $C$
related constraints
part balance

Capacity expansion


Expansion of conversion, storage-input, storage-output, storage-size, and exchange capacity.

As explained here, capacity refers to capacity before efficiency!

name expConv expSt{In/Out/Size} expExc
unit GW
dimension $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{exp}$, $Te$ $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{exp}$, $C$, $Te$ $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{from}$, $R_{to}$, $C$
  • expansion resolution of technology
  • regions can exchange carrier
  • expansion resolution of carrier
  • if uses or generates carriers
  • each stored carrier
related constraints
part technology exchange

Installed capacity

Installed capacity of conversion, storage-input, storage-output, storage-size, and exchange capacity.

As explained here, capacity refers to capacity before efficiency!

name capaConv capaSt{In/Out/Size} capaExc
unit GW
dimension $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{exp}$, $Te$ $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{exp}$, $C$, $Te$ $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{from}$, $R_{to}$, $C$
  • superordinate dispatch resolution (usually years)
  • spatial expansion resolution of technology
  • spatial expansion resolution of carrier
  • regions can exchange carrier
  • if uses or generates carriers
  • each stored carrier
related constraints
part technology exchange

Operated capacity

Operated capacity of conversion, storage-input, storage-output, storage-size, and exchange capacity.

As explained here, capacity refers to capacity before efficiency!

name oprCapaConv oprCapaSt{In/Out/Size} oprCapaExc
unit GW
dimension $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{exp}$, $Te$ $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{exp}$, $C$, $Te$ $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{from}$, $R_{to}$, $C$
  • superordinate dispatch resolution (usually years)
  • spatial expansion resolution of technology
  • spatial expansion resolution of carrier
  • regions can exchange carrier
  • if uses or generates carriers
  • each stored carrier
related constraints
part technology exchange


The variables listed here solely serve the purpose to aggregate different kinds of costs and do not have any other function within the model. Therefore, their structure is a bit arbitrary and was chosen to facilitate reporting without adversely affecting performance.

Expansion cost

Costs of capacity expansion.

As explained here, capacity and thus also costs of capacity expansion, refer to capacity before efficiency!

name costExp{Conv,StIn,StOut,StSize} costExp{Exc}
unit Mil.€
dimension $Ts_{exp}$, $R_{exp}$, $Te$ $Ts_{exp}$, $C$
related constraints
part objective

Operating cost

Costs of operating capacity.

As explained here, capacity and thus also operating costs, refer to capacity before efficiency!

name costOpr{Conv,StIn,StOut,StSize} costOpr{Exc}
unit Mil.€
dimension $Ts_{sup}$, $R_{exp}$, $Te$ $Ts_{sup}$, $C$
related constraints
part objective

Variable cost

Variable costs associated with quantities dispatched. Costs incurred by emission prices are included in costVarUse.

name costVar{Use,Gen,StIn,StOut} costVar{Exc}
unit Mil.€
dimension $Ts_{sup}$, $R_{exp}$, $Te$ $Ts_{sup}$, $C$
related constraints
part objective

Trade cost

Costs and revenues from buying or selling carriers on an external market.

name costTrdBuy costTrdSell
unit Mil.€
dimension $Ts_{sup}$, $R_{exp}$, $C$
related constraints
part objective

Curtailment and loss-of-load cost

Cost of curtailment and unmet demand.

To allow for revenues and costs from curtailment, costCrt is the only model variable that can also take negative values.

name costCrt costLss
unit Mil.€
dimension $Ts_{sup}$, $R_{exp}$, $C$
related constraints
part objective